Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
A Communicative Syntax of English

Kategori: Eğitim Yazar: H. Rzayev Yayınevi: Pelikan Yayınları

A Communicative Syntax of English

  • Yayın Tarihi: 05.10.2007
  • ISBN: 9789944119290
  • Dil: TÜRKÇE
  • Sayfa Sayısı: 257
  • Cilt Tipi: Karton Kapak
  • Kağıt Cinsi: 3. Hm. Kağıt
  • Boyut: 16 x 24 cm
Tanıtım Bülteni
Features• The book does not merely impart knowledge of English Syntax. Rather, it trains students to think about language as a medium for expression, to understandhowit"works".and "shows" howthesegrammaticalfactscanbe usedfor proper practicalpurpbses;• it has made the sentence the basis throughout, examining phrases. ctauses, and clause elements as its naturally coherent btocks;• Easy to use and understand, the book is prepared for graduate and advanced undergraduate students who intend not only to sharpen their skills; more advanced learners will also find it useful for their research programs and procedures;• As a ready reference, the book can help graduate students locate and correct theirproblemswithorwithout the help of ateacher-supervisor;• Communicative values of the syntactic level ımits are dealt with particularly as they relate to problems with the language use. Clearly focused 3-level approach to sentence combines with a real understanding of how they interact andwhatfactorsworkinmakingcommunicationpossibleandunderstandable.
SatıcıKitap AdıBağlantı
TrendyolA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
KitapyurduA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
D&RA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
IdefixA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
BKM KitapA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
HepsiburadaA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
Nadir KitapA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
N11A Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
Amazon TürkiyeA Communicative Syntax of English Satın Al
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A Communicative Syntax of EnglishPDF10.67 MB İndir
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A Communicative Syntax of EnglishMOBI9.41 MB İndir
A Communicative Syntax of EnglishODF10.04 MB İndir
A Communicative Syntax of EnglishDJVU12.55 MB İndir
A Communicative Syntax of EnglishRAR8.16 MB İndir
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A Communicative Syntax of EnglishPDF10.67 MB İndir

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