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Collins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary

Kategori: Başvuru Kitapları Yazar: Kolektif Yayınevi: Nüans Yayınevi

Collins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    The Collins COBUILD American Basic Dictionary covers all the essential words and phrases that students at this level need to master. The full-sentence definitions are written using simple language and the examples, taken from the 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus, show learners how English is really used. It also includes a wide range of curriculum terms for students whose first language is not English, but who are studying other subjects at school through the medium of English. Packed full of engaging vocabulary-building features, the dictionary encourages students to learn new words and improve their fluency. The features help learners to explore the language for themselves, giving them the tools they need to decode new words and texts and to become confident learners and speakers of English. ‘Spelling Partners’ show students words that are spelt the same but have different meanings; ‘Sound Partners’ show students words that sound alike but have different meanings. ‘Word World’ and ‘Picture Dictionary’ features illustrate topic-specific vocabulary and ‘Word Partners’ highlight common collocations (words that frequently appear together). Finally, ‘Word Builders’ and ‘Usage’ notes teach students how words are formed, what they mean and how to use words in the correct contexts. With hundreds of images illustrating key terms, the Collins COBUILD American Basic Dictionary is the ideal reference tool for elementary learners of American English.
    SatıcıKitap AdıBağlantı
    TrendyolCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
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    D&RCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    IdefixCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    BKM KitapCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    HepsiburadaCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    Nadir KitapCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    N11Collins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    Amazon TürkiyeCollins Cobuild Basic American English Dictionary Satın Al
    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryPDF6.23 MB İndir
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryEPUB6.96 MB İndir
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryMOBI5.49 MB İndir
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryODF5.86 MB İndir
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    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryRAR4.76 MB İndir
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryZIP4.39 MB İndir


    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    Collins Cobuild Basic American English DictionaryPDF6.23 MB İndir

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