Telif Bildirimi ve Kitap Kaldırma İstekleri İçin
First Love

Kategori: Edebiyat Yazar: Ivan Sergeyeviç Turgenyev Yayınevi: Pergole Yayınları

First Love

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    This vivid, sensitive tale of adolescent love follows a 16-year-old boy who falls in love with a beautiful, older woman and experiences a whirlwind of changing emotions, from exaltation and jealousy to despair and devotion.This beautifully packaged series of classic novellas includes the works of masterful writers. Inexpensive and collectible, they are the first single-volume publications of these classic tales, offering a closer look at this underappreciated literary form and providing a fresh take on the world's most celebrated authors.
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    Kitap AdıFormatBoyutBağlantı
    First LovePDF6.23 MB İndir

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