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Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World

Kategori: Diğer Dildeki Yayınlar Yazar: Haruki Murakami Yayınevi: Vıntage

Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World

    Tanıtım Bülteni
    A narrative particle-accelerator that zooms between Wild Turkey Whiskey and Bob Dylan, unicorn skulls and voracious librarians, John Coltrane and Lord Jim. Science fiction, detective story and post-modern manifesto all rolled into one rip-roaring novel, Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World is the tour de force that expanded Haruki Murakami's international following. Tracking one man's descent into the Kafkaesque underworld of contemporary Tokyo, Murakami unites East and West, tragedy and farce, compassion and detachment, slang and philosophy. The result is a wildly inventive fantasy and a meditation on the many uses of the mind.
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    KitapyurduHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    D&RHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    IdefixHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    BKM KitapHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    HepsiburadaHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    Nadir KitapHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    N11Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
    Amazon TürkiyeHard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World Satın Al
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    Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the WorldPDF6.23 MB İndir
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    Hard Boiled Wonderland and the end of the WorldPDF6.23 MB İndir

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    Kitap Yorumları - (2 Yorum)

    yabancı dil anlamında fazla zorlamıyor orta ingilizceye sahipseniz okursunuz. Haruki kalp ben

    Haruki Murakami’nin diğer kitaplarına nispeten bu kitabında olaylar daha hızlı bir tempoda ilerliyor. Yalın dil kullanması da kitabın yabancı dilde okunmasını kolaylaştırıyor.

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