This is a romantic story written by Jane Austen (1775-1817) one of the most talented writers of her time. It opens with a brief history of the elliot family and tells what happens after they are forced to rent their house to somebody and move dueto some financial problems. Then, as the story conti-nues it turns out tobe a love story between Anne (one of the elliot daughters)and frederick ( a naval officer). How this story ends makes this book one of the classics of English literature.Yazarın Diğer Kitapları
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Kitap biraz zor! Eğer bu kitaba başlamadan önce bu yayınevinin başka kitabını okumadıysanız ve İngilizceniz de ‘İntermediate’ seviyesinde değilse bence önce bir Stage5 kitabı deneyip kendinizi ölçün, sonrasında daha kolay karar verbilirsiniz