1. Prelüd ve Türkü (Bir halk türküsü üzerine)Prelud and Folk Song (from a thema of folk song2. Güzel Yar... (Halk Türküsü)Beautiful Sweetheart ... (a Folk Song)3. Hey Dağlar... (Halk Türküsü)Oh Mountains... (a Folk Song)4. Senin Bahçende... ("Merihten gelen telsiz" müzikalinden)In your Garden... (from the musical of 'Wireless from Mars')5. Masal müziği, solo piyano için (Deli İbrahim piyesi 1. perde=A Fery Tale song, for solo piano (from the 'Mad İbrahim' play Act. 1)6. Ağıt ("Akın" piyesinden)Mourning (from the "Attack" play)
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