Şiirin, İlyas Halil’in ilk aşkı olduğunu biliyoruz. Tüm öykülerinde yer alan zengin betimlemeler, öykü yazarken bile şiirden vazgeçmediğini kanıtlıyor. Prof. Joseph S. JacobsonTürkçemizde ve nice başka dillerde, bu kadar az söz kullanarak bu kadar çok öze ulaşan öykücüye pek rastlanmaz. İlyas Halil’de bin dereden su getirmek, lafı uzatmak, tasannu gibi gereksiz bir gösterişçiliğe sapmak söz konusu olmaz. Özeni öyle baş tacı etmiştir ki özentiden uzak durur."Prof. Talât S. Halman It is well known that poetry is Halil’s first love. In the rich examples of imagery found in virtually all his stories, he shows how even while he is thinking and writing stories he keeps his poetry channels open.Prof. Joseph S. JacobsonIn Turkish and many other languages one does not often come across a story teller who by using such few words can express the esence of a thought so effectively. With Ilyas Halil there can be no question of rambling, long explanations, pretence or artificiality, no unnecessary ostentation. He has given such importance to the purity of the words that he stays away from imitation. He is a writer who does not know what babbling is.Prof. Talat S. Halman
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